Slight fail, but here's the story of yesterday.
Lydia's woke up at 645am, and after her milk and a nappy change, I bought her into our room to play for a bit. She played with Tom whilst I got dressed then I took her downstairs for breakfast. Because Tom was able to play with her, I was able to do my hair and even put on some makeup which was a pleasant change .
Lydia had apple and Weetabix and I had a microwave egg on marmite toast. When Tom Tom came down and was able to supervise, I finished packing bags for the day and put more washing on.
Last night I had some clogged milk ducts, probably from not feeding Lydia enough where we were driving a lot, so I made sure to feed her on that side before we left and did some hand expression and massage to try break up the blockages as I wanted to avoid mastitis.
At 11am or near enough, we were on the the road to Salisbury. I quite like being a passenger at the moment as it gives me uninterrupted knitting time and I managed to get a good chunk of sleeve on Lydia's cardigan. We arrived just after midday and had a delightful little stroll around the cathedral grounds. Lydia was very keen to see out the buggy, so we turned her round to be forward facing. Whilst it's true you talk to them less she was much happier looking at everything.
At 1pm we went over to the Cosy Club to wait for my family as we were having lunch together to celebrate my dad's birthday, which was the following day. Much fun and merriment ensued, including my mum crawling under the table top retrieve things just as the drinks arrived and making the waiter laugh. We had bought the birthday balloon Lydia had taken home from Verity's birthday a month ago, and she kept everyone entertained playing with that.
We stayed till gone 4pm nattering. Ellie and Andy left us then to go on to another engagement, and the rest of us had a mooch around the shops before going our separate ways. Lydia had a feed before we left in the carpark and we were home by 6:30 in time for her to have her dinner.
After she went to bed, Tom and I had a light supper in front of Star Trek and I wrapped some more presents.
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