Monday, December 05, 2022
Sunday, December 04, 2022
I don't really sleep any more
Thursday, December 01, 2022
NaBloPoMo 30
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
NaBloPoMo 28 & 29
Monday, November 28, 2022
NaBloPoMo 27
Woke up nice and late. Went for breakfast then back to the room to chill for a bit. Couldn't quite face a swim after all the buffet.
Next up was a tour of three different garden centres. Went to Hilliers at Botley thinking we'd mooch a bout then get a light lunch, but it wasn't quite big enough to occupy all the time, so had a look round and did some Christmas shopping, then went on to the Garden Society on Allington Lane - heaving there and cafe too busy for us. Next tried Haskins, had a good look round and did some more shopping, then had a cake and drink in the cafe there.
I love looking at all the beautiful decorations. Sometimes I think I'd love to start again with a whole new colour scheme with ours, but that would be very wasteful. I saw some fun fairy lights that were teal, pink, purple and orange too.
After a quick look round Hobbycraft and laughing at having stunk the car out with our leftover cheese from last nights supper, we had to go home and face the music.
Returned to a napping Phoebe and three big kids in the garden, and two tired looking dads. Apparently the kids hadn't been too bad whilst we were away, which is a blessing. Think we'll manage to go away again.
Fed Phoebe when she woke up, which my poor rock solid boobs were very grateful for. She had some lunch whilst the bigger kids played and Jess and Andy packed up to go home. They left mid afternoon. Then telly time for Lydia whilst Phoebe fed on and off, and Tom napped. Tea and bath time, Phoebe managing to throw Lydia's pjs in the bath again when my back was turned. Sigh.
Phoebe not that interested in going to sleep, managed to get downstairs at 8:30pm for a snacky dinner of leftovers and an evening of stuffing nappies and TV. Hard time getting to sleep, always get lots of pictures of terrible things happening to the children when I try and go to sleep at the moment, so had to use meditation track. Very poor quality of sleep tonight.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
NaBloPoMo 25 and 26
Friday, November 25, 2022
NaBloPoMo 23 and 24
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
NaBloPoMo 20, 21, 22
Saturday, November 19, 2022
NaBloPoMo 19: a day at home
Friday, November 18, 2022
NaBloPoMo 18: spare day
NaBloPoMo 17: family time
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
NaBloPoMo 16: better than surviving
One of the things on self care for busy parents a friend shared with me was to purposefully move more slowly. Physically rushing when you don't really need to can heighten your stress levels.
So tried that today when Lydia was getting cross about going to school - and guess what, we weren't late, and I mostly kept my cool. Phoebe had had me up and down a bit in the night, so had handed her over to Tom at 6.30am and he took the girls down for breakfast whilst I caught up on a little sleep.
Took both girls up to school as Phoebe had potentially her 2nd chicken pox vaccine and/or swimming. Arrived 2 mins before the bell, Phoebe very unhappy with being carried where we didn't have time for slow toddler walking and very happy to walk back to the bike after Lydia had skipped in to class.
Went over to travel clinic at nearby pharmacy for Phoebe's vaccine, but had voicemail saying it hadn't arrived yet and to call to reschedule. There's a worldwide shortage at the moment apparently. So off to swimming, Phoebe full of joy and waving at everyone whilst we were getting changed. Classes running 10 mins behind today so had time for a top up feed which kept her happy. She seemed to enjoy it today, other classes recently have seen her clinging to me, unsure and unhappy, so it was a nice change.
Then home on the bike, Phoebe falling asleep as usual, managed to transfer her to the buggy without waking which was a win. 2 hours whilst she napped, so I cleaned the mould off the conservatory windows, made fairy cakes for Lydia's snack for the week, and made lunch. Then ate with Phoebe and had the usual Wednesday video call with my mum whilst we put some washing away.
The time between getting back from swimming and going out again for school feels so short! Togged up in rain gear and stacked bike with ballet supplies and just about got to Lydia in time as Phoebe was insistent on walking from bike to school gate again.
Over to ballet in the rain, battling my fear of tipping the bike. Have to get Lydia changed on a veranda outside the community hall where her class is, not so fun in wind and rain. Will try doing it under one of the ponchos if it's rainy again. Then a very soggy hour waiting for her, managed to get Phoebe to shelter with me watching the Twirly Woos on my phone rather than running around the dark residents gardens eating gravel.
Once class was done, home in the increasingly heavy rain. Bike clonked out just on Cobden Avenue, not sure why. Tom was amazingly passing in his car, and kind delivery driver from kebab shop helped me get bike on pavement. He also lent us an umbrella and brought us sweets and some chips for the girls whilst we waited for Tom. Tom took girls home in car and I walked bike home. Nothing obvious wrong with it, will ride with caution on Friday and see what's up.
All changed into PJs for tea of cold bits for girls, then up to bed. Had nice chat with Lydia whilst Phoebe went up with Tom and she finished eating. Fed Phoebe to sleep, then went to help Tom with dinner. Chatted about how we're going to find another £75 a week to cover Phoebe's extra nursery session come Jan. Then went to wrap Autumn Socks Day socks for godchildren before bed.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
NaBloPoMo 15: werk werk werk
Tom's mum, who normally comes to look after the girls on a Tuesday, was ill today, so Tom had the day off to look after them. He took Lydia to school, and I played with Phoebe, then I spent the day upstairs working whilst Tom pottered about with Phoebe and went shopping. One quick trip out at lunch time to get a parcel. Mainly worked on my new seasonal planner.
Came down for tea at 4:45pm, played with girls then up stairs for a wild bath time. Tried joining my neice's birthday family group call but Lydia too bouncy. Phoebe very tired due to only one nap, so bath time and bedtime pretty swift for her.
Had a rest in bed for an hour after Phoebe went down for her nap, then tried hanging some curtains in the apex of our gable in the loft bedroom - command hooks and lightweight curtains worked well, but wasn't the look we were hoping for.
Monday, November 14, 2022
NaBloPoMo 14: that there big London
Sunday, November 13, 2022
NaBloPoMo 13: a nothing sort of day
Saturday, November 12, 2022
NaBloPoMo 12: birthday
Another early wake up from Phoebe, managed to get back to bed and stay there for a while before Lydia came in. Tom went and got them started with breakfast and I came down after sleeping in for a bit to catch up on my missed early morning sleep. Tom had made eggy bread which was gratefully received and wolfed down by everyone bar Lydia.
Took girls up to get dressed in their party finery and then got myself dressed - managing to squeeze in a quick shower, something I often find hard to find time for. Helps if I don't want to wash my hair as that takes hours to sort out.
Then downstairs to sort things out ready to go out. Very confused as to why Tom was doing housework rather than packing to go out, and kids had been climbing all over me and shouting, which put me in a bad mood and meant I shouted at Lydia when she started moaning about being hungry when she'd left her breakfast. Set her up drawing birthday cards whilst I got things ready.
Went in separate cars as Tom on call, though he's not actually had to go out anywhere today. Then off to my neice Aoife's first birthday party at Plaitford Village Hall. Arrived only 10 mins late. Girls extremely pleased to see my mum. Always so touching given they don't get to see her often, I know she worries they might forget her. But they always give her a rapturous reception when we have a video call.
Party went very well, mix of family and Ellie and Andy's friends. So much delicious food. I spent most of it trailing around after Phoebe as she ran around in delight. Aoife very much enjoyed being walked round the room and the ball pit. Birthday cake excellently made by Ellie, a representation of Ryan the husky dressed as a strawberry, Aoife's favourite toy.
Got Lydia ready for ballet rehearsal and she went off to that with Tom, whilst I went back to Ellie and Andy's for a cuppa with some other family members. Then home for tea and bed time. Really nice sitting down together to eat party leftovers.
Bedtime a mixed bag, with Lydia randomly biting Tom out of the blue, but both girls asleep pretty quickly. Phoebe wouldn't settle whilst feeding so ended up sat on the floor holding her hand whilst she fell asleep on the cot.
Then Christmas shopping online this evening.
Friday, November 11, 2022
NaBloPoMo 11: cake
Thursday, November 10, 2022
NaBloPoMo 10 : stuck
Wednesday, November 09, 2022
NaBloPoMo 9: at home
NaBloPoMo 1-8
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Things to remember from parenting Phoebe
At two weeks:
Sheer elation after delivering you, couldn't believe that I'd done it vaginally and that you were actually here after being so worried.
Finding out you were a girl and being relieved as we hadn't had any boy names!
Everything coming back to me about feeding and sleeping and changing nappies.
Getting to come home very quickly because of Covid and your granny and grandpa being here to welcome you.
Your big sister Lydia being so excited to meet you, wanting to hold you right away, saying " I love you, you're so little, you're so cute" , wanting to try and carry you, change your nappies, helping me try and feed you, so proud of being a big sister.
Your little turtle head and neck, trying to lift your own head, so strong, looking out at us through one half open eye
Your grunts and squeaks, the sheep like maa noise when you cry.
Lydia calling you "Pheebs" or "Pheeb"
Moving slowly like a sloth in treacle
First smile 4 September
At 5 weeks:
Holding on to my clothes when you feed.
Batting my breasts between your fists to make it the right shape to feed from
Saying "a goo" when smiling
Slept through 15 sept
7 weeks
All calm and wide eyed at first swimming lesson, happily going under the water
Talking back to us and smiling, with lots of goos
8 weeks, lots if chats whikst you sit in your bouncy chair. Grinning for Lydia when she comes to entertain you by leaning over and tickling you with her curls
9 weeks recognising Lydia and bring very happy to see her.
Story time with daddy, at bedtime, how good he is with you
13 weeks, 'knitting' your blanket or muslin.
First laugh playing shaky hands with mummy Tuesday 9 Nov
When I pick you up at night for the dream feed, you are lying with your hands by your ears, keeping them there whilst I pick you up.
Grandpa Bear, my Dad, spending ages sitting on the floor talking to you whilst you're on your playmat, trying to get you to smile.
16 weeks
Giving you your morning kisses, lots of kisses on each cheek, or nomming your cheeks, making you smile and blissfully close your eyes and sometimes even laugh
4 months
Watching daddy read you a story, you trying to turn the pages, all bundled up cosy in your sleeping bag
Lying on the floor together with our legs in the air playing whilst you burble and smile
21 weeks
26 Dec, rolled onto side for first time
Positively vibrating with excitement when people are playing with you
Your huge wide mouthed gummy smiles of joy
Reaching out to touch my face. Stopping feeding to grin up and me and purr with happiness.
5 months
Just about sitting unaided
12 Jan rolled over back to front
Making cooing noises like a pigeon
Sitting up to the kitchen table in the highchair with a pile of toys in front of you, chewing your narwhal vigorously and reaching for the next toy as you knock one on the floor, whilst watching all the action in the kitchen excitedly
Beaming up at me whilst strapped on my front in the carrier, cooing and laughing at the trees
Loving Friday night disco night, laughing and singing whilst I dance you around on my hip, watching the coloured lights on the ceiling
Sitting in your highchair at Wickens Wednesday dinner waving your arms as you babble 'mamamamama' almost as if your were conducting the dinner party conversation
Holding the tail of the plait in my hair as you feed.
Making happy faces at me in the dark whilst feeding when you should be asleep
Charming waiters and shop assistants by being so happy
Huge belly laughs for Lydia
Looking just like glitter granny
Making very confused faces when eating for the first time
Holding your own hands like a great thinker
Sitting up strongly from 6 months onwards
7 months and flapping your arms and bouncing on your bottom trying to move to get to things, launching yourself forward and rocking back and forth, one single crawl forward then flop
Growling with joy like a little bear, shouting with joy when you see other babies or people talk to you, with your huge gummy smile
Tipping your head on one side when playing like you're acting coy, copying if other people do it
Protesting loudly if you're sat up to a table and other people are eating but there's no food for you
Very slowly signing milk sporadically at 7 months
Making concerned 'mumumum' sounds if you're hungry or wet, or if we leave the roo
7.5 months starting to clap hands
Happy to sit on the floor bashing toy pans together, making a big noise as I do house work around you
Leaning out of a cuddle stretching out arms if you want to go to someone n
8 months, crawling backwards and getting stuck under the so
The utter intimacy of you sleeping on me after you finish your bedtime feed, your little hand resting on my chest, the rise and fall of your breath, the huff when you sigh in your slee
Starting to cuddle us back.