"I only have one body and one life to live...I don't want to spend it telling myself I should have a different body, because I don't! ...I have to be able to want to make healthy choices for myself...I should do these things because I want to be alive, not to hurt myself for existing as I am. When you want to be anything but you... it's so much harder to justify actually treating yourself as something worth saving. But you are...I hope someday I will believe that more often."
View here: AHH — SORRY FOR THE VERY PERSONAL COMIC!! This is my...
This comic really spoke to me today. I have struggled with my weight and body image since I was a kid. There are times when I have been bigger or smaller, and now I don't actively hate my body anymore. But I am always. ALWAYS. always aware that society thinks my body is too big, and I still feel that nagging sense of shame that I can't seem to lose weight, and perhaps my life would be better if I was smaller.
I am more than the meaty shell of my body, but I *am* also that body. And it's okay.