The string held, and I got some lovely compliments - ace.
I just about managed to rush off to church this morning. Sold a few more tickets for the mexican evening later this month, which was my reason for going this morning. Spicy pulled pork, mild veggie chilli, wraps, chips, dips and salad for 30. Still we managed it when we did the curry night. A bargain at £3.50 a head.
Then it was off home again. Tom and Sandy were out when I got back, having gone to relieve Jon and Hannah of our stuff that had been clogging up their garage since we moved in March. Thanks for looking after it guys.
As it was still raining lots I didn't fancy painting the woodwork for the middle bedroom, so I finished pinning the second curtain, and made lunch. We had a cabbage, kale, leek, onion and parsley gratin, and a pork and cumin stew. The lads seemed to like it, so I'm pleased.
I managed to finish sewing the curtains today, and started making the tie backs - result!
We had a walk up to Portswood to pay in a cheque, and to post some letters. Nice to get some fresh air. After that we waved off Sando back to Sheffield, and I baked some chocolate fairy cakes for Tom's lunch box this week.
Sewing takes bloody ages. That saw me through to dinner time, after which Tom and I watched Dr. Who. I'm sat trying to finish the hand sewing I'm doing to adjust a evening dress for a friend. Sewing invisible zips in is yucky. Still, nearly there.
Right, I must go and look up where I am working tomorrow. See you on the other side!