We've now progressed even further and the colour is on the wall - time for a final sand down of the wood work and top coat, then fun things like buying carpet, lampshades and curtains.
We had our big housewarming and birthday party for Tom this weekend. Thank you so much to everyone who came. I think we reached peak people about 2:30pm when there were approx 40 people in the house. Lunch was a buffet, I made 48 scones for an afternoon tea to go with lots of lovely cake, and then there was a greek feast for dinner. We managed to end up with a wine surplus which was a nice surprise too, I think because it was Tom's birthday so he got lots of bottles as presents. I also achieved my goal of fresh flowers in all the party rooms to make the place look nice.
It was a lovely day. Jess, Andy and Ethan, and Martin stayed on Friday night, so it started then with Lula dropping in for a bit. Then on Saturday we baked and prepped together, and whirled around chatting to friends and family from all parts of our lives. Sandy. Martin, Lula and John stayed on Saturday night, so there was a big cooked breakfast on Sunday morning followed by a day out in Riverside Park. Some people had three ice creams in one day! The Smith's kids had left their jumpers behind, so we stuck them on some toys and took them on an adventure too.
What a lovely weekend.