Sunday, November 08, 2020

NaBloPoMo 8: a Sunday

Got up with Lydia this morning so Tom could have his lie in. She was happy playing in her room till 8 ish so it wasn't too early. Got dressed again without too many issues and put away a tidy breakfast of cereal, toast and a jam pikelet for Lydia and Marmite toast for me. Think she must be having a growth spurt given the amount she eats at the moment! Took breakfast up to Tom about 9ish.

We did some drawing with Lydia to my Advent playlist. Too early but I love it. Then signed in to Zoom Sunday School for the first time. Lydia was quite into it. They did a missing item on a tray game, watched a couple of videos and did a craft together. We signed out early when her attention waned after about an hour. The craft was make tissue paper mosaic leaves for a Thanksgiving Tree. Lydia said she was thankful for ducks because they made hey happy. 😊

Once Tom was up, they played together for a long time, making new masking tape roads and shapes for the dollies to walk on. Tom made carrot soup for lunch. And I embarrassed him by emailing in a request on his honour on Scala Radio. He was amusingly freaked out by it. Not one for public displays of affection Tom.

After lunch we went for a walk to our local woods and Lydia spent a good long time playing on the climbing frame and slide. It was a perfect misty autumn day, like a painting of autumn.

When we got back, Lydia helped me stick the numbers on our new advent calendar. I settled down to knit and watch Strictly whilst she played with various toys and helped Tom make pie for today's dinner and jelly for tomorrow.

Chicken, leek and ham pie for tea, and lots of stories for Lydia before bed.

Housework for Tom and I after her bedtime, and now knitting and Red Dwarf before bed. Finished a baby cardigan and started a shawl...

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