Working this morning, then on childcare this afternoon.
Played picnics outside with Lydia and with her dollies inside, had some stories and watched some TV together. Picky bits for lunch, and made her sausage pasta for tea, which she ate whilst chatting to my mum on a video call. Managed to do some knitting outside with a cup of tea whilst Lydia played
After bedtime it was time for the Friday night family disco. Best disco playlist on Spotify on, lights down low, much terrible dancing from the grownups, cocktail in hand, whilst Lydia jumped around. My absolute highlight of every week.
Fairly easy bedtime from Lydia done by Tom whilst I caught up with some work. Then Korean takeaway for tea, and sorting out some social media for the local community group's nativity trail and Santa postboxes.
Played a Cards Against Humanity rip off app game, Evil Apples with our friends on our Friday Night Fun call. Think I needed to have drunk a bit more plum wine...
My day for a lie in tomorrow!
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