Phoebe fed this morning on and off from about 5am, so I decided to get up when Lydia got up and leave Tom to enjoy the lie in that his mum had kindly offered us. Once dressed, Phoebe and I came down to Granny and Lydia enjoying fruit and Weetabix.
We set up the highchair Tom's mum has in the baby position so Phoebe could sit up to the table whilst I ate breakfast of toast and blueberries.
Whilst Phil was out doing the animals and Tom was sleeping I went with the girls and Tom's mum to the local milk station at a nearby diary farm. They have one of those milk vending machines, and now vending machines selling ice-cream, coffee, dairy products like butter and cheese and one with things like cold meats and sausage rolls. Such a good idea. We were able to see some of the little calves which Lydia enjoyed looking at, one of which was being halter trained by the farmer and her daughter.
I tell you though, nothing makes you think about going vegan like trying to explain how a dairy herd works to a three year old. Lydia thought it very odd we'd take calves away from their mothers.
Once home, and after some telly time, Lydia and I briefly painted some of the Frozen models from a painting kit her step cousin had brought for her and left with Tom's mum. It was quite detailed though and she got a bit frustrated by it.
Then one of Tom's colleagues arrived with his wife to collect one of the puppies so we said goodbye to Olive as she's now known.
After that it was lunch time of crispy tofu and stir fry, and a special treat of a chocolate pudding for Lydia. We took her out for a ride on her bike in the yard for a bit and then came in when she got frustrated by that. I went off to feed Phoebe whilst Phil's daughter arrived with her family to pick up their puppy.
Lydia was very funny following Sophie, her step cousin, around adorably. Sophie was a very good sport about it. Lydia also showed everyone her dancing to the Stick Stick Stick Sticky Sticky Stick musical Hey Duggee toy that Tom's mum had bought for herself.
I did some more sewing this afternoon between feeding Pheebs. I feel like I should have been making some offering to my ancestors cutting into the tiniest stitching done by generations of women.
Lydia had tea at Lydia tea time, then we went out to walk the younger of Mum and Phil's dogs with Mum whilst Phil sorted live stock and puppies. Had some nice quality time with Lydia walking in the dark whilst she played with her torch and I did her bath when we got in as don't actually get much time just the two of us at the moment.
After delivering Lydia to her room for granny bedtime stories, fed Phoebe to sleep and was downstairs for 7:45pm for Thai takeaway and a really lovely evening chatting to Mum and Phil over some glasses of wine.
Giving Phoebe the dream feed now. 🌜
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