Thursday, November 16, 2023

NaBloPoMo 15 16

Wed 15 November

Swimming day with Phoebe today after dropping Lydia off from school. She absolutely loved it and was so keen to keep jumping in off the side. She's turning in to a regular little fish. We stayed for a bit of the stay and play and she took great pleasure in watering my hair.

Home for nap time and and then Tom came to mind Phoebe whilst I went to the doctor's, but turns out I had a telephone appointment! They're finally going to refer me to endocrinology to look at my PCOS etc.

Then off to school to get Lydia and off up to ballet. Bit of stress getting there but managed to have nice coffee with the school mums. 

Whizzed back on the bikes, Tom had made delicious dinner.
Bedtime not too bad, watched some TV and tidied up before my bedtime.

Thursday 16 November

Everyone had a bit of a stressy morning, but got Lydia to school on time. Back to work this morning for meetings. My sister and neice popped in for a cuppa over lunch after their swimming lesson nearby. Then off to hospital for some tests to look at some gastro issues I've been having. 

Whizzed back across the city to get back in time for Lydia's parents evening. I've not cycled so fast for a very long time. But made it with 5 mins to spare. Lydia doing well at school, very proud of her.

Cycled her back, gave the kids cold bits for tea. Bath time then bedtime. Made pasta for tea whilst Tom got Phoebe down, and we're now watching TV. 

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