Friday, November 18, 2022

NaBloPoMo 18: spare day

Lydia had an inset day today, or as she charmingly named, a 'spare day'. 

Phoebe up once in night, then up at 545am so fed her then took her down for breakfast. Lydia also up v. early, got in to bed with Tom but too wriggly so he set her up with breakfast.

Took Phoebe to nursery then home to spend time with Lydia. Decided to have a bit of a yes day to try and spend some nice time together. Needed to go get autumn socks for Tom and thought we might get him a Christmas present too. She wanted to go into town on the bus as that's a big adventure so said yes to that, and took our time to get ready to go out, her dressed in an angel costume because well she's 4 and why not.

Got bus into town, used whizzy ticket on app qr code thing, Lydia asking is this our stop every time. Into West Quay for quick toilet stop, who do kids always try and open the cubicle door before you're finished? Then into John Lewis to look at all the Christmas decorations. I let Lydia take her time, made for a much more pleasant experience all round.

Here are some of my favourite ones, bathing Santa or paintbrush bauble anyone ..?

Once we'd exhausted that source of entertainment, slowly chose Autumn socks. Still haven't posted other godchildren's ones, need to do that tomorrow. I declare it a week long festival .... Sigh....

Christmas present wise, Lydia decided Daddy wanted sweets or chocolate and was quite bored of shopping at this point, kept picking things up and saying 'this will do' in a resigned way. His finally selected gift is very modest so far...

Once everything purchased, sat down to eat the cakes we'd brought as snacks, then on to the Christmas market as we'd clocked the carousel whilst on the bus. Lydia sweetly wanted me to come with, so we rode in one of the chariots together. Also saw an old steam engine that's been traveling around to raise money for Children in Need.

A stop in the Works to buy a Christmas present for one of my Godchildren and then on to Greggs to buy lunch. Sat on the edge of the park people watching whilst we ate and having a nice chat about nothing much. Walked on towards Bedford Place up pick up Phoebe's shoes. 

Lydia spotted the big Christmas tree in Guildhall Square and it inspired her to have a dance, so we did that for a bit. Then she was intrigued by the poppy wreaths at the Cenotaph and we went to look at those and had a chat about what they were for.

Made it to French and Sons to get the shoes, absolute Southampton institution, all wood paneling and mirrors. Mum used to take her nannying charges there to get shoes in the 80s, and has been around for much much much longer than that. Children's shoes are eye wateringly expensive when they're the properly fitting ones, and your kids have v. Wide feet like ours do.

Lydia v. Tired after her early morning at this point, so bank to the park to get the bus home. Again loved the excitement of being on the bus. Home to watch the end of Mary Poppins and unpack and re pack for swimming. Lydia finished off her lunch as afternoon snack whilst I got things sorted.

Off on the bike to swimming, love flying around on it. Lydia enjoyed her lesson. I sat and caught up with shopping and bills whilst I waited. Got in just after Tom and Phoebe. Phoebe v grumpy after a late nap, perked up with some milk. I defrosted some cheesy pasta for their tea whilst Tom watched TV with them.

Shower for Lydia and bath for Phoebe after tea. Lydia v. Cold post swimming, so in bed with dressing gown and hot water bottle and blow dried her hair. Came in to find her trying to read her reading book to herself.

Phoebe did not want to settle, so brought her back down for a bit whilst Tom and I ate and watched some of Stanley Tucci's show on Italian cuisine and culture. Tom then called out for work, Phoebe eventually went down at 9pm after doing a huge poo.

Tom back not long after, had cup of hot choc and watched end of Mr Tucci's show. Just off to bed now.

Today a lesson in not rushing leading to happier mum and Lydia. Need to find ways to apply that when we do have deadlines.

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