Sunday, November 04, 2012

NaBloPoMo 4 - Lazy Sunday

Today we woke to the noise of drumming and babies crying.

I think most of the people at the party decided in that moment to rethink their plans to have children.

We eased out of bed, laughed at Lula for spending the night sleeping in the bath. When the shoppers returned with supplies, Tom cooked breakfast for everyone.

I was suffering with being allergic to Louisa's dog, so we beat a retreat. We trundled off home, and cleaned it gently, and made spicy giant cous cous with halloumi for my friend Laura.

She turned up about 1:30, and we sat down for an enjoyable dinner and chat. I did some knitting tech support for her, and we ate the epic crumble she had made for us whilst watching Sherlock.

After she left, we've been quietly watching more Sherlock, napping, and getting ready for Monday.

It's so nice to have Tom home. Just to be in each other's presence and to be quiet together.

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