I'm addicted to the Gym. Is there a cure for this? Its the first thing I think of when I wake up each morning. When I'm there all I can do is count the calories being burnt away, taking the food transgressions away. Like the four Penguin bars I just ate because I was craving chocolate.
I can lift about 30kg on most of the machines, and go at level 10 on the elliptical trainer, the rowing machine and the bike.
But I've not seen enough results. I want to take this seriously. I want to be healthier, but its vanity thats driving me. I want to look better. I am unhappy with the way I look. My stomach is flabby. My arms are flabby. My back is flabby. This is not your usual "I'm a girl I'm gonna moan about the way I look becasue I'm insecure." I am not ok. I am overweight. This is because I eat too much and exercise too little. I know I look ok, but you've not seen me naked. (And you're not likely to either...) When you are as short as I am, every extra pound/kg counts.
I am currently 59kg. I want to be 50kg. If you see me wondering around about to eat cake, stop me. Ask me if I've been to the gym today. I need all the help I can get.
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