At the moment my life is very heavily weighted towards work. Increased travel times, Christmas campaigns and a job I truly love and adore means you can often find me working late into the evening.
I fully realise that this isn't healthy or sustainable. However, I am starting to develop some great ways of managing my time at work. The last quote on the image is key. I always write a list of tasks for the day, highlight the ones that absolutely have to be done that day, and then make sure those are done. Everything else can always wait a day.
I'm also taking time to truly enjoy and be grateful for my life as it is. On the way home from a meeting this week, I took a longer more scenic route to challenge my navigating skills, and drove through the Surrey Hills. The slightly longer journey gave me more time to think, and I got to see a beautiful part of Great Britain that I had never seen before. I am so grateful that this job includes travel and I am getting to see my stunning country.
Work has also been good about challenging counsultants to say no to work if they don't have the capacity, and I have done this, rather than doing the 'oh I'm the new girl, I need to say yes to everything' thing. This has helped with making sure I'm only working on projects I really need to be.
In my personal life, Tom and I try and schedule in at least one night where we intentionally spend time together. As I type, Tom is cooking an exciting seafood platter, there's chilled cava and a film awaiting us. I'll turn the computer off and we'll just be together.
I also try and have 1 night to myself a week. At the moment I'm going to modern jive classes with Ruth and Lula. I enjoy the movement and lights and feeling free on the dance floor.
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