Talking to: Fran occasionally about goth clothes for her sis
Thinking: I didn't want to go home last night.
Since my homework is going nowhere at all I thought I'd blog and get it out my system.
Firstly, Knitting news.
I'm still working on my cabled scarf for the friends crimbo present, the striped scarf for another friend is nearly there, I've knitted a tiny jumper for a teddy, a bright pink baby hat for one of my babysitting families who have just had a baby girl. I'm also knitting them some tiny pink baby ballet shoes, like maryjanes, and hope to knit a tiny pink ballet jumper in the same yarn so they'll have a dancer outfit for her. Not much time for knitting atm as I'm building up a pile of essays so mmm :-( but I'll get some time on friday when I have to marshall on the sponsered walk. Knitting whilst wrapped up warmly and drink nice hot Heinz Tomato soup! YAY!
I know it's ironic to write about homework when you should be doing it, but I'm going to anyway as it helps to se it as a list. I just typed lust then. Is that a freudian slip?
I have to do:-
- Dance essay on Notation vs Film as a method of recording dance.
- History essay on life in 1042
- Read French book.
- Sewing machine the extra figures on to my cling film art.
So I better get on with it really.
Last night was fun. Rob picked me up at 4:30pm. As his rents are on holiday and he's having a week off, he's decorating his room while he has somewhere else to sleep. So far the bed is strewn across both landing and spare room, along with all the curtain fittings, the contents of his ottoman, includig all the cool transformer toys he's saved are on the floor, and there is now a red wall!
Yes we are painting one wall red and the other white with a hint of purple. The red wall is to be the feature wall with all the pictures on. It should look really really nice.
The other nice bits of yesterday included:-
- Wearing my new bike jacket when he picked me up. Looking at our shadows you could actually tell it was a man and woman on the bike and not two blokes, because my new bike jacket is cut for a woman. Fitted leather mmmm...
- Playing house. Cooking together, dossing around on the sofa chatting, stealing kisses as we walked passed each other, trying not to drip paint on the floor.
- Being able to look over the past and realise it doesn't matter.
I so didn't want to go home though. Roll on getting married!
1 comment:
What French book do you have to read? I think its perfectly acceptable to procrastinate with your blog. At least you are doing something "productive!"
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