Thursday, November 05, 2009

NaBloPoMo4 How much can I make in one day?

I am helping plan the open days for the Church of the Ascension, Bitterne Park building project. The church is converting and extending their existing building to make better use of the space and provide meeting rooms and a cafe for the local community. As we're nearly there with the building work, we're inviting people to come and have a look.

I'm looking after making a display on the Parish ebay account, the name the cafe competion, the steward's shirts, and a giant sign for the out side. After the meeting tonight, I got home and started sewing my sign. Appliquing on large letter in random pink and red fabrics to a bed sheet is tiring work. I had to round it up before I'd finished as it was bedtime, but I should finish it this evening. Then I need to find a marker pen that doesn't bleed so I can write the other information on it, having exhausted my scrap fabric supply.

I also need to create some logo designs for the new centre. It's all very exciting. I love being involved in a big project!

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