An update on the Sainsbury's online shopping issues. I emailed them my tale of woe, got an auto response saying they'll get back to me in two days, so tweeted like hell at them till someone said they'd look into it. Here's where we are so far. Just so you know, when the order did arrive on Sat, they couldn't supply one item, and had to supply a replacement for the other. Dear Mrs Tarling Thank you for your email about your recent order. I'm sorry for the problems you???ve experienced. I can understand how disappointed you must be. I???d like to assure you that this isn't normal of our usual high standard of service. I realise on this occasion the level of service you've received has been poor and there is no doubt we have let you down. I've shared your email with the online manager, who will speak to the colleagues that processed your order and ensure that better care is taken. One of my colleagues has tried to contact you this afternoon. As there were unable to reach you if you would kindly contact us on 0800 328 1700 we will be happy to look into this matter further for you. We appreciate the time you have taken to let us know about this. Please let me assure you that we do value your custom greatly and I hope you will feel able to give us another chance to serve you better. Kind regards Neil Mahood
Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Online Neil,I wanted to let you know the outcome of this situation. Jason left a voicemail on my landline on Thursday, despite me explaining to Keiran in my call that morning that I was not available all day for a delivery at home due to being at work, and giving him my work mobile number for any further communication on this matter that day. I therefore was unable to call Jason back until I was at work the next day. I spoke to one of his colleagues in the morning of the 23rd, as he was busy, and they arranged for my order to finally be sent to me on Saturday 24th. He was unable to provide me with a reason as to why my original order had not been delivered. What they did not tell me during this call was that by placing the order for the only available time slot on the Saturday, the delivery cost would go up, and that the voucher I had used on the original order would not be applied. This meant the shopping cost alot more. I had initially only decided to try out the online shopping feature as Sainsburys had sent me a ??10 off a ??50 shop voucher. In order to update the order to a price I could afford (as it will take 3 - 4 working days for the cost of the original order to be refunded), I had to use the ??10 off voucher I had been provided with on the 21st of September as an apology for the inconvenience of my shopping not being delivered when I had ordered it. I would like to you provide me with the reason as to why my shopping was not delivered as arranged on the 21st, as no one has been able to yet, and a refund of ??10 to again cover the inconvenience caused by Sainsburys. As I have stated before, I have been a loyal instore customer for years, and have never had any issues, your staff all be very friendly and helpful indeed. This online shopping experience does not match up to what I expect of Sainsburys at all. Yours sincerely, Alex Tarling
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