Sunday, July 09, 2006


I've been back in Southampton for the weekend, helping people rearrange furniture, watching Farscape and cooking. Even though it was busybusy, I feel very very relaxed for having been away from the busybusy of home.

I've also recieved my marks for the year which I'm more than happy with. 67.25 is my yearly average, a high 2:1, and the breakdown is as follows:

How to Study History: 65
History and its Sources: 67
WW1: 62
Early Jewish Magic: 64
Historiography: 69
Uses and Abuses of History:69
The First Crusade: 74
Russia in Revolution: 68

The First Cru mark was s shock as it was one I struggled with, had missed a fair few lectures due to illness and had not really been intersted by. Funny how it all works out eh?


Alexander Segall said...

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Alexander Segall said...

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