Tuesday, November 12, 2024

NaBloPoMo 12 intense

Today has felt injuries throughout. 

Phoebe's turn to be grumpy this morning. Lydia managed to get dressed nicely for a change. 

Did school run and rushed back for early call with IT bods working on new starter to talk digital interpretation.

All my lunchtime calls were cancelled so worked on confidence training and Jan/Feb planning, trying to workout all the deadlines to be able to handover to the new hire. Also had 1:1 with one of my reports 

Fisher up at 3:30 to go school for parenting course. Lots of paperwork and homework to track Lydia's tantrums for the week. I walked Lydia home via chemist to get advice about a rash on her face, whilst Tom walked to get Phoebe. Amazing conversation with Lydia covering the Reformation, Restoration Britain, the British political system, the difference between terrorism and activism, all kicked off by her studying Guy Fawkes Night at school.

Tantrums over bread Vs toast but did cold bits out the fridge for tea, worked well being low key and eating together in kitchen. Ended up playing 90s chub bangers to the kids after an ear worm which they enjoyed. Phoebe trying to copy my hand dancing.

Tantrums at bedtime over Lydia not wanting to wash her poorly hands, but got over them. She went to play quietly with her Lego whilst I convinced Phoebe to do a poo and then got her to sleep. 3 stories later a cup of hot milk and a dark room andi managed it. Tom out to home group, so I then got Lydia to sleep via some school reading and a Thomas story 

Then a couple of hours of catching up with work before bed. I've always done my best work between 8pm and midnight. Imogen Heap playlist on tonight for some uni nostalgia.

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