Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Family Picnic

So your wayward blogger returns.

I had my family picnic. This slice of awesomeness is second only to the family party, where we spendall evening playing silly games and dancing. This one takes place on the New Forest at Ocknell's Pond on the Sunday before the August Bank Holiday. It's all about french cricket ans den building and the Magic Kitkat tree where the fairies leave you chocolate.

As is my way, I invited my good friends to come too, and some had never ever built a den before. We quickly rectified that, and I believe a good time was had by all. Every time I attend one of these family events I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have this, how awesome it is to be in touch with so many of your extended relatives, how interesting people are and I kick my former self for moaning about going as a snotty teenager.

It also reminds me of how great my friends are, as countless aunties remark how nice it is to see young adults joining in with all the games. I also have to stop and sigh a bit as I watch Tom being the one who joins in the most, who cuts down the most ferns and plays french cricket the most viciously and competetively. With all the stress of recent weeks, it's good to be reminded of how good he is for me.

Here are some pictures from my Mum:

This is my godson and cousin Max, with my aunty, Vicky. Max spent most of his time on the coolbox. As you can see it was fun.

Max really likes Lala, and I had a Lala backpack from my non- conformist extraordinaire years when I was about 14. He loved it.

This is my cousin Kate, and my second cousins Blake and Safira. They are in the den made from lots of twigs and sticks and ferns between three trees.

Marmaduke had never made a den before, having grown up in the city. So mum made him pose awkwardly next to it for a picture.

Paddy liked waving to people through the gaps in the walls. It looks like he's being swallowed by it. He's Kate and Max's brother.

Here I am failing miserably at French Cricket with my second cousin Beth on the right, and selection of my friends.

Finally here's Tom in a Tree. I've never seen him so proud or happy.

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