August was a strange month. I've been trying to get better and be busy and not let myself wallow in the mean reds.
I've been out dancing and partying, making new friends, having arguments, flirting, eating, dancing, listening, watching and hoping. But I'm not sure how much I want to or can record here.
I've decided, with my rapidly expanding waistline due to the gym being shut by the time I get in from work, that exercise really is a drug. I actually miss the gym, and the couple of afternoons I've spent in the dance studio with the lovely Mel have in improved my mood so much that I have actually bounced across the room for the rest of the day. Mel and I have been working on a dance to Drops of Jupiter by train, a modern balletic piece, which would be very Merce Cunningham, but it has more emotional depth. This is Mel's first real choreographic endevour, and I think I shall describe it here as a memory aid for us both.
The dancers enter upstage left, and do 4 slow queen walks on the diagonal to down stage right performing a gradual port de bra in through a contracted first with an internal focus opening into a first arabesque, looking at the high right hand. The legs finish with the right foot on the demi behind the left with the leg in fondu. On the appropriate beat in the music, they swap arms sharply so left arm high, and change to an external focus looking beyond the left hand. They then perfom a pose turn to the right, turning up stage, turning 180 degrees, arms still in arabesque. They then hover with feet in demi pointe open parallel facing upstage, take two little steps and reach their left arm out, letting the right fall, hitting the word"Jupiter" in the song lyrics.
They then perform two very slow triple runs with figure of eight arms, staring with the right foot, arms circling to the left first, then the right, very much in time with the music, travelling from stage left to stage right accross the back of the stage. They then suddenly swing their arms across their body to stage left, plie - in in fourth with left foot in front, dropping their bodies over the left side. Uncurling, into a bent over flat back position, they run backward, hands devlopee - ing to an outstreched shape in line with the line of their back, in a semi circle to down stage, facing stage right.
They circle their arms into a a high upwards reach as they pivot on the ball of their feet to stage left, then drop into a lunge, weight leaning over the back foot, right shoulder opening to the audience, right arm, heavily dropped behind the body line. Slowly in time with the gradual beat of the music they have 4 queen walks circling upstage to face stage left, the left arm pushing away from the body with the wrist flexed, the left arm held in first, gently circles under the right hand and over in a cycling action .
That's enough of that for the moment. There's a lovely bit a bit further on after gap we've not yet filled where we developed the flexed hand motif through to the arabesque motif whilst quickly running through a allego section of sisson, pas de bourree, assemble, form stage left to stage right. It fits the beat of the music exactly.
There's been lots of crafty endevours going on. Christmas knitting has been started already, with a mysterious Green stripy thing for Tom on the needles, half a hoody for Sarah being churned through, and a spotty tea cosy to be made as requested by Andy. There's also going to be some custom t- shirt making for various people, probably using bleach dying and stencils, and some pillow case making.
The lovely Karuna gifted me with a fantastic selection of fabric from her trip to Nepal, and what I don't use for pillows will be turned into a top for me. There has been a gamut of dress making now my sewing machine has reached me, and I am mending the red spotty dress I sewed by hand, planning to make up a muslin for my party dress that I really need to start on since its in the second week of October, and making a Princess Leia as Jabba's slave girl outfit for a party on saturday. I don't have the stomach or the confidence to do the full on Gold bikini, so I took a brown tankini top, ripped the side seams, added eyelets, and laced the whole thing up with gold cord. It then has gold swirly cord in the appropriate places on the front, and I've sewed pieces of red fabric to front and back to emulate the swrily fabric that covers her nether regions. It looks alot more like this:
Than this!

My other crafty endevour had been an oil pastel of my two cousins and my uncle, the newest of the two who will be be my godson as of Sunday. I'm very very proud of it and will add pics when I can.
Do you feel updated?
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