Dear Baby,
As I write, you're still safely tucked inside. We're hoping you'll stay put whilst I wait for Tom to get back tonight from visiting his dad who's been unwell.
I've started my maternity leave, and this week I've not really known what to do with myself. I'm sure when you're here, I'll be so busy and tired that this will seem like bliss. I've filled the days with baking for the freezer, cleaning, shopping and going for the full MOT of hairdresser, chiropractor, dentist, midwife, and pedicure. There's been some lunch and coffee dates too.
You're starting to make your way down, and that's led to some back ache. Given you've given me very little in the way of trouble throughout my pregnancy I'll take this in the last two weeks. Your movements have changed and are now great waves and ripples rather than kicks where you have less space.
We're mainly feeling quite calm and contented about your approach, which surprises us. We thought we'd be panicking! The crib and the car seat and the baby bits are ready. My mum, your granny bought a few things more when she and most of my immediate family visited this weekend. Cotton wool and bath thermometers and the like, all in the basket my granny, your great granny had put together for her when I was born.
Everyone is very excited about your arrival. You've pretty much been the topic of conversation all weekend. Wondering about what we will name you, when you'll arrive, who you'll look like. My brother-in-law, your Uncle Andy, had the sudden realisation he'd be Uncle Andy. :o) All your church grannies were asking about you today, and I was given daffodils as it was Mothering Sunday. A friend joked mine were in bud as I'm very nearly a mum. It was strange to sit there whilst the intercessory prayers were for expectant mothers.
Whilst we're not wishing the days away, I am looking forward to meeting you. I want you to know you're much hoped for, much prayed for and much wanted. It will be strange to go from a family of two to a family of three, but I'm looking forward to watching you grow up and learn about the world, and have adventures with us. I hope you grow up to be as kind, loving and helpful as your grannies and grandads, aunties and uncles.
All my love, your very nearly mum.
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