Saturday, December 01, 2012

Radvent 1 - Knowing

I'm playing along with Princess Lasertron's Radvent this year, as I like being given a reason to blog everyday. I'm even spelling it right this year, compared with last time!

Today, think about what you know for sure.

I don't think I know many things for sure. I know my parents and Tom love me.  I know that achieving anything in life will involve hard work. I know food tastes better when you're hungry. I know that I can always get the right search phrase in a search engine for the information you are looking for, and I can usually caress a printer into working.

Make a list of things you’d like your daughter or son, or a good friend to know.

1. God loves you.
2. No one can make you miserable without your permission.
3. Be polite - good manners can get you far.
4. Don't be too polite - know when to stand up for yourself and for others.
5. Friends and family round a dinner table talking into the night are worth more than their wait in gold.
6. Small new people deserve a hand made thing made with love.
7. Always be willing to drop everything to run and help someone, as you never know when you'd need the same.

Ask the person closest to you to meet for coffee and share your favorite thing you know about them.

Having recently had dinner with Amey, my oldest friend, I spent alot of time telling her that she'd made me cry with laughter. I think that's my favourite thing about her.

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