Thursday, November 10, 2022

NaBloPoMo 10 : stuck

Phoebe woke really early, so fed her back to sleep and ended up falling asleep in the armchair in her room whilst she fed. Woke up with a crick in my neck, and managed to get her into the cot so I could go back to bed.

Lydia appeared about 6am and elbowed her way into the centre of our bed, all knees and lying diagonally. She wasn't going to lie still or quiet so Tom got her up for breakfast and I got Phoebe and myself dressed. Swapped so Tom could get dressed and he took Phoebe to nursery. 

Getting Lydia ready at the moment takes all my negotiation and compromise skills, juggling 'would you like to use my special comb' and feel breathing. I feel like I've been in a fight for a couple of hours before I even get to work.

Drove Lydia to school as I was supposed to be going on to work at our Micheldever office today. Nice and early so she could have a play in the playground with her little friend who came round for a play date the other day. They went in together, the friend's dad very pleased as the kid had needed walking up to the door by a parent till today.

Set off for the office forgetting I had a 915am meeting. So did that from a country park car park. Then encountered road closures and traffic so didn't end up in the office till after 11am and the start of my next meeting. In Our Time on radio 4 about Bauhaus accompanied me, v. Interesting. Motored through the meeting as I had a 12noon one, and had a lunch break with my colleague Jo, who was the reason why I had gone in 

Odds and ends of analysis in the afternoon then left at 4 to be back for the girls. Had to collect sample pot for Phoebe on way home, then mucked in with cooking dinner and wrangling children until my sister and her family arrived.

Usual joyous family chaos over dinner including a video call from Granny. Can hear Lydia being bouncy about wanting to read her school books as I sit here feeding Phoebe to sleep.

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