Thursday, November 12, 2009

NaBloPoMo11+12 BLAH!

Right, so now I've missed a day I don't feel so guilty for my half hearted posts.

Yesterday I left a poorly Tom in asleep with some mystery bug and dragged myself into work. I don't know if it's seasonal affective disorder or just the blahs, but I have been finding getting up and out of bed increasingly difficult. The cycle to work leaves be achey all over and at the end of the work day I am drained.

Maybe I need to eat more healthily, or exercise more or something. I'm not really sure what to do. I don't eat badly, and I cycle at least 30 mins most days, go to jive lessons and to the gym once a week. I don't seem to have time to do anymore exercise. I've been trying to do my pilates dvd when I can, but it always comes back to time. I don't think I've found a form of exercise I actually like besides dancing. I don't have enough room in my living room to dance for my exercise, and I don't have a enough free time to go to anymore dance lessons. Ideas anyone?

After work I rushed home to complete the two remaining stewards t-shirts for Friday, and then a much recovered Tom and I went to SCM to hear Nick Hutchinson, the youth worker from Highfield speak about the Israel Palestine conflict from a historical perspective. He did so in a very balanced way, and had some good suggestions on how as Christians we can help support the everyday people on the streets of Jerusalem such as supporting the work of

After a week of church preparations, next week will see me putting together a marketing plan for SCM national, a letter to invite organisations to the SCM national conference and putting music on the laptop for my dad's 50th birthday. How did my dad get to be 50?

Posted via email from Alex E Jones

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